The ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology (Grant 13/RC/2106) which function within the MTU is funded under the Science Foundation Ireland Research Centres programme and combines the worldclass expertise of researchers at five universities (Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City University, University College Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology, Munster Technological University) with that of its industry partners to produce ground-breaking digital content innovations. ADAPT’s vision of the future envisages a revolution in the way people can seamlessly interact with digital content, systems and each other; enabling users to achieve unprecedented levels of access and efficiency. ADAPT sees global digital content as ‘live content’, where content technologies are enabled with embedded intelligence to deeply analyse, translate, adapt and multimodal deliver content to users appropriate for their needs, preferences, and use. Providing Personalized Digital Content will be the key enabler for users to globally engage without being overwhelmed. ADAPT research is spearheading the development of next-generation digital technologies that enable seamless tech-mediated interaction and communication. The breadth of ADAPT’s research expertise is unique globally and the Centre’s structure supports collaborative innovation with industry to unlock the potential of digital content.